Workers' Comp


November 18, 2022


If a patient is traveling with a controlled substance prescription medication因此,最好只带离家期间所需的药物. For example, if a patient has a prescription for Vicodin® (hydrocodone/APAP, (附表II管制药物),每日服用两次,每次一片,每瓶60片(供30天服用), 在为期7天的旅行中,最好只带60片中的14片(多带几片以防万一)。. This way, if the medication is lost or stolen, 在这个月剩下的时间里,病人不会没有任何药物,而且可能会有更少的问题得到替换或提前补充. Controlled substances, unlike non-controlled medications, 对开处方的人有更严格的限制,而且在处方规定的时间用完之前,药房通常不会再给他们配药.

When traveling, 最好将药物保存在原处方瓶中,或将减少的量放入具有相同标签的单独瓶子中. 为此目的,通常可以在药房要求另一个带有重复处方标签的空瓶. Alternatively, 在某些情况下,也可能需要处方的副本或处方者的说明.

If traveling by plane, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) does not currently require medications be in a prescription bottle; however, 每个州都有关于药品标签的单独法律,病人在旅行前应该知道这些标签. 运输安全管理局对药物进行筛查,并要求将药物与其他物品分开. To facilitate the screening process, 这是一种良好的做法,以确保病人和药物都清楚地识别在容器上,以避免混淆.

If traveling out of the country, 患者应考虑到药物可能有不同的批准和适应症,他或她可能需要遵守. This is true in the United States as well. For example, medical marijuana laws vary greatly state to state医用大麻目前还没有被联邦政府承认为合法物质. 病人应熟悉他或她旅行到的地区适用的法律. 运输安全管理局和海关与边境保护局(CBP)有更多关于药物和旅行的信息,可以通过访问他们的网站在网上找到.

If possible, medication should always be kept with the patient, or alternatively, in a locked or secure location such as a hotel room safe. If a patient finds that his or her medication is misplaced or stolen, it is important to report it immediately to the prescriber. Depending on the situation, 通知执法部门也可能是适当的,因为盗窃受管制物质是一种应受惩罚的罪行.

This information is meant to serve as a general overview, 任何具体的问题或担忧都应该与你的医疗保健专业人员,如开处方的医生或配药的药剂师进行更全面的审查.

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